Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brrrr! It's Cold Here!

I know it is cold everywhere, but I thought I would post a photo of my GPS this morning. Notice the temperature. Only -20! Are you kidding? It is supposed to warm up over the weekend, but these are the days I wonder why I live here.

Nothing else really new. Looking forward to a three-day weekend. Plan to see The Wrestler on Monday and hopefully Slumdog Millionaire at some point this weekend. That is about all on the agenda for the weekend. Reagan has skating lessons on Saturday. Hopefully it will go better than last week where she had a major meltdown at the end of the lesson and kicked me in the ankle with her skate.

Gotta "go, go, go,"

Reagan's mom

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kristi Yamaguchi She Is Not!

Reagan had her first skating experiences last week. One unofficial lesson (more like a trial run in getting her skates and helmet on) with mom and dad and then an official lesson on Saturday. As you can see, the results of the unofficial lesson were not what we had hoped for, but she did look cute (and really that is all that matters.)

On Saturday, she had much more success and was actually moved from the white class (kids with no skating experience at all) to the green class (kids who had skated before). Maybe it was that unofficial lesson that made her so proficient and allowed her to move up so quickly. I think it was the fact that she did not cry when she fell, unlike most of the other kids. At the end though, she was sad and we asked why. She responded "my arm and my booty hurt!" It was pretty funny. She also said that she did not do a good job because "I couldn't skate fast." I think she is more of a daredevil than anything as was seen when she jumped off the big trampoline at gymnastics Monday night onto a wooden box landing on her knees (about 18 inches high) and started laughing (I about had a heart attack.).

She has her second lesson on Saturday so we will see how that goes, but I am not booking my trip to the 2014 Olympics in Russia quite yet.

Another update with Reagan is that she graduated from "pre-school" last week after mastering all of the lesson plans and started "kindergarten" on Monday. I guess she is the youngest kid ever at the daycare to begin the kindergarten classes. I have a child prodigy on my hands who will still be wearing diapers when she starts college at the age of 12! That for sure will make People Magazine.

We did make some progress there as well as she actually wore a princess pull-up last night and again this morning. She still has not gone on the potty yet, but I guess it is a start (although Pull-ups are really, really expensive so I hope she figures this out pretty quick).

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock!

Happy New Year to everyone! We hope this is the best year yet for all of you!

Since I have not posted a photo of Reagan in at least six days, I thought I better get on it since everyone's life would not be complete without one. I should just get her a Facebook page. It is much easier. :)

Reagan is ready for the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock with her latest choice of attire. Thanks to Jake and Eli for this awesome look! Tie dye is supposed to be very hot in '09 so I am glad that Reagan is well ahead of this trend!

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom