I was one of the 75 million people who watched Gov. Sarah debate Joe Biden last Thursday. I'll admit, I was really nervous to see Gov. Sarah in action because her performance in pressure situations the last two weeks has not been the greatest and I was expecting disaster. Although she averted disaster - in fact - she did OK (if you discount that she had a number of factual errors - that isn't important is it?), there were still three things that really bothered me about her at the debate. Of course, none of these things would make her less qualified to be vice president of the United States, but it still really got to me.
1. I can see where people would appreciate that Gov. Sarah is just like us. Her down home, folksy, mannerisms are nice if I was at the grocery store (although do not wink at me), but I do not want to see my president or vice president being like that. Do not send a shout out to your brothers third grade class when you are trying to convince me that you are capable of being second in charge of the free world.
To be honest, I do not want the president or vice president to be just like me. I want them to appear, and actually be, much (much) smarter than I am. The president and vice president are the most powerful people in the world for goodness sakes and it scares me to think that someone like me is ruling that world. Some people think that is elitist. I don't. I think it is actually being realistic and admitting that me or someone like me is not ready to govern our country or lead the world. Say it ain't so Sarah...you just do not come across as being vice presidential. Good thing I am voting for a president and not a vice president.
2. If Sarah is really like me she would not be wearing a $2,000 Escada suit and Stuart Weismann shoes that were another $800. I thought she was overdressed for a debate - it would have been perfect for a state dinner or something like that - but not for a debate where she was trying to convince me that she is just like me. A $300 Kaplan suit that she bought at Macy's using a 20 percent off coupon would have been just fine to wear, as well as a pair of $50 Franco Sarto shoes that she got at DSW Shoe Warehouse. Don't get me wrong...I would die to have the suit and shoes that she wore that night...but just like me, I think not.
3. Please do not have little Piper (who is so cute) carry baby Trig. It is OK that Piper holds him while she is sitting down, but please do not have her walking around and holding him. He is way too heavy for her and if she ever were to drop him (god forbid), especially if it were to happen when on TV, the media would be all over Gov. Sarah accusing her of being an irresponsible, unfit mother! I can just see the media clips of Gov. Sarah running side by side with clips of Brittany Spears. She cannot afford to have this happen to her.
Another thing...in all of the media clips I have seen of the family, not once have I seen Todd Palin holding Trig. Whether intentional or not, with Todd not holding Trig it gives off the appearance that he is ashamed of his special needs son or that he is scared of holding him because he has special needs. If he is going to be the primary caregiver of the family if Sarah becomes vice president, then he needs to show that he embraces that role by nuturing that baby who needs all the support he can get right now.
Perhaps the best part of the debate the other night was when Reagan walked up to the TV and put her hand over Joe Biden's mouth (unprompted by the way) when he was talking. She must have heard enough from him, although I thought he was very presidential and impressive.
Politics aside...our family is fine. There is nothing new really going on right now. Thank goodness Dancing With The Stars and the debates keep things exciting. We went to the apple farm today so I am sure there will be some photos of that sometime next week.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
p.s. - Very sad about Kim Kardashian although not really surprised. Cloris has got to go, but I have a feeling she has another week left in her. Also, devastated about Helio. He probably will not be in the ballroom anytime soon. I wonder if you can dance in jail. Ugh!
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