I was so looking forward to this weekend as it was going to be a big family weekend. With only one event the whole weekend - Gopher volleyball on Friday night - I was really excited to spend a weekend with Reagan and Andrew. On Saturday, we decided to drive to Wisconsin and look at all the fall foliage along the river. It was really nice as the temperature was in the mid 50s and sunny. We stopped at a few places so Reagan could run around and play in the leaves.
Once we returned home...things started to go south. We received a letter that we lost our appeal on our storm door and will have to remove it immediately (long story short on this...we unknowingly installed a non-approved storm door on our house over 2 years ago and the association decided to finally let us know and to immediately take it down. There are three of us who have the same door so we all appealed to keep the door - and lost). I am not happy. Our property management company is terrible - then the door - and then they raised the monthly dues $30/month all in the last 4 weeks. Needless to say...I am going to really pay attention now and start getting involved with what is happening around here.
Then we are eating dinner when I look down at my wedding ring and notice that the main diamond is missing from the setting - it had snapped off the setting prongs, post and all. Of course I start freaking out and looking everywhere for it - to no avail. Then I started to panic that I lost it when we were playing in the leaves in Wisconsin - not to mention that I had showered, done laundry, cleaned house and emptied the trash since we had been home. I then remembered that I had taken some photos of Reagan and I in Wisconsin, so I looked at those and you could see that my ring was still in one piece. So I knew that the diamond was somewhere in the car or in my house, but being a total pessimist, I figured it got caught in my hair when I was showering and went down the drain. I looked all Saturday night - nothing. All Sunday morning - nothing. I figured it was lost but decided to look in my car one last time just in case. Low and behold sitting on the floor on between the door and the back seat was my diamond in the prongs! I couldn't believe it! So I am sure it is ruined because the setting is broken, but I at least have the diamond. Andrew was glad that I found the diamond, but he is getting a little irritated that this will be my third setting in just under 8 years of me having the ring. Maybe this time I should just get a band or a $5 ring out of a Cracker Jack box.
So once I found it, the rest of the weekend was good. It was my birthday yesterday so that made it a very happy birthday. Andrew and I played tennis in the morning with some of my teammates going to Nationals and then I had a match that night (which I got killed in, but it was still fun). Reagan made me a cake and things were great.
I am waiting the arrival of my mom and dad. They are coming to visit for a week so that will be fun for Reagan. Reagan cannot wait to play golf with Grandpa.
Dancing With the Stars tonight...hopefully this will be the last week for Cloris!
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
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