Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Susan vs. Cloris - They Both Need To Go!

I hate to say it, but it is time for the two old ladies to go! I am just not sure which on will go first tonight. I am thinking Cloris, but Susan Lucci's time has run out on the show as well. Both are awful. At least Cloris is funny and 82 years old. Susan looks hot in all of her outfits (wouldn't you if you were 4-11 and 70 pounds), but she is just an awful dancer. Susan was absolutely terrible in the group dance last night. I felt sorry for her. She had no idea what they were doing and was out of step the entire dance. At least Cloris is funny and knows her limitations.

On the upside, Lance and Lacey were great. I thought their jive was one of the best dances of the year. They are right back in the competition.

My favorites are still Warren and Kym. I think he is hilarious and he is really good. I am still shocked by how good he is. I also thought he was awesome in the group dance. Kym needed to give him more to do last night, but she is so into herself and her newly-enhanced chest that she sometimes forgets that he is the one in the contest. She looks great though. If I had that chest and looked that good, I would flaunt it too! And congrats to her for finally getting a good partner. She has always had such crappy partners - Mark Cuban, Jerry Springer.

Brooke and Derek were beautiful although there was not much dancing. You could tell they played it safe since she was hurt. Derek still annoys me.

Perhaps the best news of the night in a selfish way is that Julianne has to have her appendix removed (I am sorry for her about that) and Edyta is going to take her place until she can come back and dance again. That means I get to watch it on the big TV once again next week! Yes! Julianne says she can come back in one week, I am hoping it is like 5 weeks so I can watch on the high definition TV the rest of the season - get well Julianne, but not too soon!

Everyone else was fine. Maurice and Cheryl were good. Cody and Julianne were OK. And obviously the last people were not great since I cannot even remember who they were.

It was nice to see Micahel Flatley on the show as well. I cannot wait to see him dance tonight! He is awesome!

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's Mom

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