Cloris finally was booted off Dancing With The Stars last night. It was about time, but you knew that was going to happen especially since next week each contestant has to learn two dances and she could not even learn one dance. Susan Lucci will be the next to go, although I think Maurice Greene better watch out.
I leave tomorrow for my big tennis tournament. I am playing two matches thus far, but that always changes once you get there as people get hurt or don't play as well as they hoped, etc. We are in the same flight as Southern California, Intermountain, Florida and New England. I am playing the two early matches (7:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday against So Cal and Florida - yikes! good thing I am a morning person!). You can actually keep track of my progress if you are interested as I am doing a blog for the USTA on the Web site.
I am really looking forward to it and just praying that I do not embarrass myself. At least the 80 degree weather will be nice since it snowed here on Sunday.
Gotta "go, go, go"
Reagan's mom (who hopefully will turn into Roger Federer this weekend!)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Strawberry Birthday
Since I am being the worst mom in the world and missing not only Halloween, but Reagan's third birthday this weekend when I head to sunny Tucson for my tennis nationals championships, we had an early birthday party for Miss Reagan last weekend with my mom and dad and our friends The Spurrs.
Reagan was in Strawberry Shortcake overload with all the decorations and balloons. Then when we brought out the Strawberry Shortcake cake, I thought it was all over. She was so happy. Here are some photos from the party.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's Mom
Susan vs. Cloris - They Both Need To Go!
I hate to say it, but it is time for the two old ladies to go! I am just not sure which on will go first tonight. I am thinking Cloris, but Susan Lucci's time has run out on the show as well. Both are awful. At least Cloris is funny and 82 years old. Susan looks hot in all of her outfits (wouldn't you if you were 4-11 and 70 pounds), but she is just an awful dancer. Susan was absolutely terrible in the group dance last night. I felt sorry for her. She had no idea what they were doing and was out of step the entire dance. At least Cloris is funny and knows her limitations.
On the upside, Lance and Lacey were great. I thought their jive was one of the best dances of the year. They are right back in the competition.
My favorites are still Warren and Kym. I think he is hilarious and he is really good. I am still shocked by how good he is. I also thought he was awesome in the group dance. Kym needed to give him more to do last night, but she is so into herself and her newly-enhanced chest that she sometimes forgets that he is the one in the contest. She looks great though. If I had that chest and looked that good, I would flaunt it too! And congrats to her for finally getting a good partner. She has always had such crappy partners - Mark Cuban, Jerry Springer.
Brooke and Derek were beautiful although there was not much dancing. You could tell they played it safe since she was hurt. Derek still annoys me.
Perhaps the best news of the night in a selfish way is that Julianne has to have her appendix removed (I am sorry for her about that) and Edyta is going to take her place until she can come back and dance again. That means I get to watch it on the big TV once again next week! Yes! Julianne says she can come back in one week, I am hoping it is like 5 weeks so I can watch on the high definition TV the rest of the season - get well Julianne, but not too soon!
Everyone else was fine. Maurice and Cheryl were good. Cody and Julianne were OK. And obviously the last people were not great since I cannot even remember who they were.
It was nice to see Micahel Flatley on the show as well. I cannot wait to see him dance tonight! He is awesome!
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's Mom
On the upside, Lance and Lacey were great. I thought their jive was one of the best dances of the year. They are right back in the competition.
My favorites are still Warren and Kym. I think he is hilarious and he is really good. I am still shocked by how good he is. I also thought he was awesome in the group dance. Kym needed to give him more to do last night, but she is so into herself and her newly-enhanced chest that she sometimes forgets that he is the one in the contest. She looks great though. If I had that chest and looked that good, I would flaunt it too! And congrats to her for finally getting a good partner. She has always had such crappy partners - Mark Cuban, Jerry Springer.
Brooke and Derek were beautiful although there was not much dancing. You could tell they played it safe since she was hurt. Derek still annoys me.
Perhaps the best news of the night in a selfish way is that Julianne has to have her appendix removed (I am sorry for her about that) and Edyta is going to take her place until she can come back and dance again. That means I get to watch it on the big TV once again next week! Yes! Julianne says she can come back in one week, I am hoping it is like 5 weeks so I can watch on the high definition TV the rest of the season - get well Julianne, but not too soon!
Everyone else was fine. Maurice and Cheryl were good. Cody and Julianne were OK. And obviously the last people were not great since I cannot even remember who they were.
It was nice to see Micahel Flatley on the show as well. I cannot wait to see him dance tonight! He is awesome!
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's Mom
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Susan Lucci Might Be In Trouble

I really did not like last night's format for Dancing With The Stars. I felt like the people who got to jitterbug had a real advantage, but then again, it might have just been who did what dance.
Derek and Brooke and Cody and Julianne were amazing last night. They threw so many lifts into their routines and they were so difficult. They were a lot of fun to watch, although I thought it was very interesting that both Julianne and Derek did not know alot about the jitterbug, but their routines were almost the exact same style. They must have talked.
I also thought Maurice and Cheryl were really, really good, as well as Warren (he was hilarious) and Kym. I guess Cheryl knew exactly what to do to light a fire under Maurice, although I thought that he has been really good the past three weeks.
Then there was everyone else. Lacey and Lance were boring - although Lacey was phenominal. Toni was OK. Cloris was actually pretty good for her last night and then there was poor Susan. She was terrible! I know she has broken feet, but she was absolutely terrible and really should be the one to go home tonight. I guess we will see.
The show is super boring this year. Maybe they need to see how much it would cost to get Barack and Caribou Barbie to be on the show and drive up ratings. Just look what they have done for Saturday Night Live.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Monday, October 20, 2008
I was so looking forward to this weekend as it was going to be a big family weekend. With only one event the whole weekend - Gopher volleyball on Friday night - I was really excited to spend a weekend with Reagan and Andrew. On Saturday, we decided to drive to Wisconsin and look at all the fall foliage along the river. It was really nice as the temperature was in the mid 50s and sunny. We stopped at a few places so Reagan could run around and play in the leaves.
Once we returned home...things started to go south. We received a letter that we lost our appeal on our storm door and will have to remove it immediately (long story short on this...we unknowingly installed a non-approved storm door on our house over 2 years ago and the association decided to finally let us know and to immediately take it down. There are three of us who have the same door so we all appealed to keep the door - and lost). I am not happy. Our property management company is terrible - then the door - and then they raised the monthly dues $30/month all in the last 4 weeks. Needless to say...I am going to really pay attention now and start getting involved with what is happening around here.
Then we are eating dinner when I look down at my wedding ring and notice that the main diamond is missing from the setting - it had snapped off the setting prongs, post and all. Of course I start freaking out and looking everywhere for it - to no avail. Then I started to panic that I lost it when we were playing in the leaves in Wisconsin - not to mention that I had showered, done laundry, cleaned house and emptied the trash since we had been home. I then remembered that I had taken some photos of Reagan and I in Wisconsin, so I looked at those and you could see that my ring was still in one piece. So I knew that the diamond was somewhere in the car or in my house, but being a total pessimist, I figured it got caught in my hair when I was showering and went down the drain. I looked all Saturday night - nothing. All Sunday morning - nothing. I figured it was lost but decided to look in my car one last time just in case. Low and behold sitting on the floor on between the door and the back seat was my diamond in the prongs! I couldn't believe it! So I am sure it is ruined because the setting is broken, but I at least have the diamond. Andrew was glad that I found the diamond, but he is getting a little irritated that this will be my third setting in just under 8 years of me having the ring. Maybe this time I should just get a band or a $5 ring out of a Cracker Jack box.
So once I found it, the rest of the weekend was good. It was my birthday yesterday so that made it a very happy birthday. Andrew and I played tennis in the morning with some of my teammates going to Nationals and then I had a match that night (which I got killed in, but it was still fun). Reagan made me a cake and things were great.
I am waiting the arrival of my mom and dad. They are coming to visit for a week so that will be fun for Reagan. Reagan cannot wait to play golf with Grandpa.
Dancing With the Stars tonight...hopefully this will be the last week for Cloris!
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Reagan update
So yesterday it happened for the first time (and I am sure it will not be the last) ... Reagan got mad at me and told me "she didn't like me!" She got mad because I moved her car seat to the passenger side of the back seat and she could not get in on her normal side (these are the moments when I fear she has autism). After kicking and screaming, we started driving toward home and it came out, "I don't like you mommy!" I tried not to laugh, but it was sad. I guess that is better than "I hate you," but she is not even three yet. It did bother me, although once we got home and I got her some Cheerios, I was the best again. My little Reagan is becoming a teenager!
Reagan is doing great in school. She actually has graduated from the preschool curriculum and they are going to start her on kindergarten studies. She knows all her letters and numbers (although she forgets 14-19 when she is counting to 20) and is really a smart cookie. They tell me every day how impressed they are with her and how much she enjoys her "schoolwork."
She also earned her first trip to the library with the 'big kids" at school today. This is a really big deal as they take the big kids to the library once a week and Marcy decided that since Reagan is so into learning and education, that she would get to go to the library today. I cannot wait to see how that turned out. Secretly, I am hoping that she hated it since the library was never one of my favorite places when I was in school (i.e. look at my college grades), but I am very proud of her.
Another sign that she is growing up is that we played Candy Land for the first time the other day and she understood all of the rules and how to play. The only thing she failed to grasp was that you did not want to get Peppermint Forest when you are about to win the game. She thought it was "cool" that she got the candy cards. Oh well. That means I win much more often.
Reagan is doing great in school. She actually has graduated from the preschool curriculum and they are going to start her on kindergarten studies. She knows all her letters and numbers (although she forgets 14-19 when she is counting to 20) and is really a smart cookie. They tell me every day how impressed they are with her and how much she enjoys her "schoolwork."
She also earned her first trip to the library with the 'big kids" at school today. This is a really big deal as they take the big kids to the library once a week and Marcy decided that since Reagan is so into learning and education, that she would get to go to the library today. I cannot wait to see how that turned out. Secretly, I am hoping that she hated it since the library was never one of my favorite places when I was in school (i.e. look at my college grades), but I am very proud of her.
Another sign that she is growing up is that we played Candy Land for the first time the other day and she understood all of the rules and how to play. The only thing she failed to grasp was that you did not want to get Peppermint Forest when you are about to win the game. She thought it was "cool" that she got the candy cards. Oh well. That means I win much more often.
Her social calendar is also starting to fill up as she has been invited to a number of parties recently, including one tonight at Pump It Up which is an indoor inflatable place. She loves her friends! She also went on a field trip at school yesterday where they rode the light rail downtown and then looked at all the "castles" as Reagan likes to call them. She thought that was pretty fun, especially when the train went fast! She starts gymnastics practice November 10 as well.
Getting her ready in the morning has become quite challenging as she is not a morning person (like her dad) and she refuses to do anything until the "sky is open" (which means the sun is up). She also needs to pick her own diaper, clothes and shoes and then try to put them all on herself which doesn't really work out at age 3. She also refuses to let me brush her hair so she goes with a rat's nest on her head every day. I am sure I look like the worst mother. Let's just say my stress level is pretty high when I finally make it out of the house in the morning.
Nighttime (when the sky is closed...I am not sure where she got this from) is also a challenge as she wants to stay up until 10 p.m. every night and not take a bath. So not only is she smelly, but she is just a bear in the morning. The joys of parenting!
She is excited about Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Rick coming on Monday. She cannot wait to play golf with Grandpa and go pick apples with Grandma. I think she also knows that her birthday is getting pretty close and that a Strawberry Shortcake cake is somewhere in her future.
As you can tell...she keeps us really busy, but she is an awesome kid.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Rocco's Last Supper
It looks like Rocco will be leaving Dancing With The Stars after his performance last night. He was definitely the worst dancer of the night, and as my friend Kathleen said, he looked drunk. Most men become better dancers once they are drunk, but he is certainly not like most men (of course he isn't - he cooks). I think Rocco's last supper is tonight.
The biggest surprise of the night was Cloris. She was actually good. She should just leave the clowning out of her act (it is so old) and just dance. She was really good last night, and honestly, it is amazing that someone 82 years old can get her leg over her head. She will be back next week.
The rest of the show was pretty standard. I really liked Maurice and Cheryl, but the judges did not. Brooke and Derek were good. Lacey and Lance were really good. They are back in the game. Warren and Kym were not as good as normal. Kym looked great, but Warren did not dance that much.
Everyone else was fine...Toni, Cody, Susan.
One thing I will say is that the women did not wear much last night. Brooke, Toni, Kym ... they hardly had anything on. Andrew probably would have like that, but since he is boycotting the show after the departure of Edyta...or maybe it was just because the Browns were on last night (A sidenote: I hate Derek Anderson and every game he does well means more time that Brady has to stand on the sidelines...maybe that isn't so bad since he is stadning there with his helmet off.)
As you can tell by my summary, it was a pretty boring show.
Gotta "go, go, go"
Reagan's mom
The biggest surprise of the night was Cloris. She was actually good. She should just leave the clowning out of her act (it is so old) and just dance. She was really good last night, and honestly, it is amazing that someone 82 years old can get her leg over her head. She will be back next week.
The rest of the show was pretty standard. I really liked Maurice and Cheryl, but the judges did not. Brooke and Derek were good. Lacey and Lance were really good. They are back in the game. Warren and Kym were not as good as normal. Kym looked great, but Warren did not dance that much.
Everyone else was fine...Toni, Cody, Susan.
One thing I will say is that the women did not wear much last night. Brooke, Toni, Kym ... they hardly had anything on. Andrew probably would have like that, but since he is boycotting the show after the departure of Edyta...or maybe it was just because the Browns were on last night (A sidenote: I hate Derek Anderson and every game he does well means more time that Brady has to stand on the sidelines...maybe that isn't so bad since he is stadning there with his helmet off.)
As you can tell by my summary, it was a pretty boring show.
Gotta "go, go, go"
Reagan's mom
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
DWTS - At 2:00 In The Morning
So...thankfully... not so much ... I am not sure what I think ... I'm tired ... Reagan woke me up last night at 2:00 a.m. - just in time to watch Dancing With The Stars if I wanted to since it was preempted by the Vikings game (they had no business winning that game). Of course, Reagan went back to bed right away (in my spot naturally), but I was then up for the day, and relegated to the couch, so I had no choice but to watch. Right?
Overall, it was a good show. I thought everyone was good except Susan and Cloris. Really, Cloris has got to go. She actually lost her wig last night and it was just an embarassment all the way around. The choerography was bad and the dancing worse. I am tired of her act. is time.
Of course, she is going to stick around since I am guessing they will not kick anyone off the show tonight after the loss of Misty May-Treanor to a ruptured achilles tendon (more on this later). What I would like to see is the show actually eliminate someone tonight (Cloris) and then decide that one night is a surprise non-elimination night - like they do on the Amazing Race.
Here is a quick summary of the show since I can hardly keep my eyes open right now!
Susan was first - not a good night for her. She did the jive and it just does not suit her. She looked old and frail. I thought they had learned their lesson the first week. The costume was not flattering for her and her heels were 6 inches high. How can anyone dance in those, especially when you are only 4-11?
Next were Lance and Lacey - they were fine. They did a waltz and stayed reserved. Actually the judges, except Len, told them they were boring because of it. They have really come back to the field in the last two weeks. They looked like sure-bets for the championship, but Brooke and Warren have easily passed them.
I cannot remember the exact order of who was next so I am just going to randomly comment.
Karina and Rocco were boring - they will be going home soon.
Warren and Kym were really good. Warren did a waltz and performed it great for a 300 pound man. They are definitely one of the couples to beat. They got one 9 and two 8s. Good for them. I am still shocked that Warren is so good.
Toni and Alec were different, but I really did not like it. Toni also did not play to her strength which is her incredible body as she wore a Marie Antoinette costume that weighed 22 pounds and did not show any skin.
Cody and Julianne started hot, but faded fast in the middle. Him using her leg as a guitar, not once, but twice in the dance was ridiculous. There is no way he is going home though because his Hannah costar Miley Cyrus pledged on camera last night that she was going to come to the ballroom and watch him. They would never give up those kinds of ratings, especially since this is a pretty boring year for the show.
Maurice and Cheryl were the surprise of the night and I thought they did the second best dance of the evening. The jive is definitely Maurice's thing and Cheryl looks like she has lost some of that offseason weight.
Brooke and Derek were awesome and made me cry. The song they danced to was so sweet and then to have Brooke kiss her daughter at the end was really awesome. I was also glad that Brooke stood up to Derek and told him to stop being such a jerk. I hate him and I think he is an arrogant little $^#*$% (family blog, Lisa). Anyway...I am glad she stood up to him and hopefully he will start respecting her a little bit.
Of course they saved Misty and Maks until the end. They showed her getting injured. The pop of her leg was so loud and horrible. I could not get over how loud it was. She even thought she had hit the step with her foot instead of suffering such a gruesome injury. Misty was right on when she said the women would not be happy because they would not get to see Maks anymore. I think she was talking directly to me at 4 a.m. It was sad and Maks was pretty emotional too. Honestly, if she comes back from her injury, I hope that they offer her and Maks a chance to compete next season.
It was a good night (or morning in my case) for the show. We will see who gets the boot tonight. I hope it is Cloris!
Gotta "go, go, go"
Reagan's mom
Overall, it was a good show. I thought everyone was good except Susan and Cloris. Really, Cloris has got to go. She actually lost her wig last night and it was just an embarassment all the way around. The choerography was bad and the dancing worse. I am tired of her act. is time.
Of course, she is going to stick around since I am guessing they will not kick anyone off the show tonight after the loss of Misty May-Treanor to a ruptured achilles tendon (more on this later). What I would like to see is the show actually eliminate someone tonight (Cloris) and then decide that one night is a surprise non-elimination night - like they do on the Amazing Race.
Here is a quick summary of the show since I can hardly keep my eyes open right now!
Susan was first - not a good night for her. She did the jive and it just does not suit her. She looked old and frail. I thought they had learned their lesson the first week. The costume was not flattering for her and her heels were 6 inches high. How can anyone dance in those, especially when you are only 4-11?
Next were Lance and Lacey - they were fine. They did a waltz and stayed reserved. Actually the judges, except Len, told them they were boring because of it. They have really come back to the field in the last two weeks. They looked like sure-bets for the championship, but Brooke and Warren have easily passed them.
I cannot remember the exact order of who was next so I am just going to randomly comment.
Karina and Rocco were boring - they will be going home soon.
Warren and Kym were really good. Warren did a waltz and performed it great for a 300 pound man. They are definitely one of the couples to beat. They got one 9 and two 8s. Good for them. I am still shocked that Warren is so good.
Toni and Alec were different, but I really did not like it. Toni also did not play to her strength which is her incredible body as she wore a Marie Antoinette costume that weighed 22 pounds and did not show any skin.
Cody and Julianne started hot, but faded fast in the middle. Him using her leg as a guitar, not once, but twice in the dance was ridiculous. There is no way he is going home though because his Hannah costar Miley Cyrus pledged on camera last night that she was going to come to the ballroom and watch him. They would never give up those kinds of ratings, especially since this is a pretty boring year for the show.
Maurice and Cheryl were the surprise of the night and I thought they did the second best dance of the evening. The jive is definitely Maurice's thing and Cheryl looks like she has lost some of that offseason weight.
Brooke and Derek were awesome and made me cry. The song they danced to was so sweet and then to have Brooke kiss her daughter at the end was really awesome. I was also glad that Brooke stood up to Derek and told him to stop being such a jerk. I hate him and I think he is an arrogant little $^#*$% (family blog, Lisa). Anyway...I am glad she stood up to him and hopefully he will start respecting her a little bit.
Of course they saved Misty and Maks until the end. They showed her getting injured. The pop of her leg was so loud and horrible. I could not get over how loud it was. She even thought she had hit the step with her foot instead of suffering such a gruesome injury. Misty was right on when she said the women would not be happy because they would not get to see Maks anymore. I think she was talking directly to me at 4 a.m. It was sad and Maks was pretty emotional too. Honestly, if she comes back from her injury, I hope that they offer her and Maks a chance to compete next season.
It was a good night (or morning in my case) for the show. We will see who gets the boot tonight. I hope it is Cloris!
Gotta "go, go, go"
Reagan's mom
Monday, October 6, 2008
DWTS Preempted in Twin Cities For the Vikings
You can imagine how mad I am about the fact that Dancing With the Stars is going to be preempted here in the Twin Cities so that all of the poor souls who do not have cable here can still be tortured by watching the Vikings tonight on Ch. 5. Since this is a family blog, I will leave it at that, but are you serious? This is a big night on DWTS since we do not know if Misty will or will not dance...rumors are she broke her ankle.
They are going to show it at 1:45 a.m. so if I want to get up and watch it then ... I am sure that I am not the only one that is really mad about this.
Anyway...the weekend was quiet. Went to the apple orchard. Watched Notre Dame play football. Andrew has a really bad cold so we really did not do much else. Made it to church and I played tennis on Sunday.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend...
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
They are going to show it at 1:45 a.m. so if I want to get up and watch it then ... I am sure that I am not the only one that is really mad about this.
Anyway...the weekend was quiet. Went to the apple orchard. Watched Notre Dame play football. Andrew has a really bad cold so we really did not do much else. Made it to church and I played tennis on Sunday.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend...
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Breaking News! Misty Off Dancing With The Stars
Internet reports are saying that Misty May-Treanor has had to quit Dancing With The Stars after suffering an undisclosed injury that requires surgery. That stinks in so many ways...
2. Cloris gets another reprieve since they will probably not kick anyone off this week. That means she might be on for another 2 or 3 weeks. Ugh!
4. Andrew's direct quote..."No Edyta, No Maks...there really is no reason to watch it anymore this season." This means to the little TV for me. Ugh!
5. Did I say NO MORE MAKS?
Just a thought...maybe they will bring Kim back to take her place. Hmmmm.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
2. Cloris gets another reprieve since they will probably not kick anyone off this week. That means she might be on for another 2 or 3 weeks. Ugh!
4. Andrew's direct quote..."No Edyta, No Maks...there really is no reason to watch it anymore this season." This means to the little TV for me. Ugh!
5. Did I say NO MORE MAKS?
Just a thought...maybe they will bring Kim back to take her place. Hmmmm.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Takeaways From Gov. Sarah's Debate
I was one of the 75 million people who watched Gov. Sarah debate Joe Biden last Thursday. I'll admit, I was really nervous to see Gov. Sarah in action because her performance in pressure situations the last two weeks has not been the greatest and I was expecting disaster. Although she averted disaster - in fact - she did OK (if you discount that she had a number of factual errors - that isn't important is it?), there were still three things that really bothered me about her at the debate. Of course, none of these things would make her less qualified to be vice president of the United States, but it still really got to me.
1. I can see where people would appreciate that Gov. Sarah is just like us. Her down home, folksy, mannerisms are nice if I was at the grocery store (although do not wink at me), but I do not want to see my president or vice president being like that. Do not send a shout out to your brothers third grade class when you are trying to convince me that you are capable of being second in charge of the free world.
To be honest, I do not want the president or vice president to be just like me. I want them to appear, and actually be, much (much) smarter than I am. The president and vice president are the most powerful people in the world for goodness sakes and it scares me to think that someone like me is ruling that world. Some people think that is elitist. I don't. I think it is actually being realistic and admitting that me or someone like me is not ready to govern our country or lead the world. Say it ain't so just do not come across as being vice presidential. Good thing I am voting for a president and not a vice president.
2. If Sarah is really like me she would not be wearing a $2,000 Escada suit and Stuart Weismann shoes that were another $800. I thought she was overdressed for a debate - it would have been perfect for a state dinner or something like that - but not for a debate where she was trying to convince me that she is just like me. A $300 Kaplan suit that she bought at Macy's using a 20 percent off coupon would have been just fine to wear, as well as a pair of $50 Franco Sarto shoes that she got at DSW Shoe Warehouse. Don't get me wrong...I would die to have the suit and shoes that she wore that night...but just like me, I think not.
3. Please do not have little Piper (who is so cute) carry baby Trig. It is OK that Piper holds him while she is sitting down, but please do not have her walking around and holding him. He is way too heavy for her and if she ever were to drop him (god forbid), especially if it were to happen when on TV, the media would be all over Gov. Sarah accusing her of being an irresponsible, unfit mother! I can just see the media clips of Gov. Sarah running side by side with clips of Brittany Spears. She cannot afford to have this happen to her.
Another all of the media clips I have seen of the family, not once have I seen Todd Palin holding Trig. Whether intentional or not, with Todd not holding Trig it gives off the appearance that he is ashamed of his special needs son or that he is scared of holding him because he has special needs. If he is going to be the primary caregiver of the family if Sarah becomes vice president, then he needs to show that he embraces that role by nuturing that baby who needs all the support he can get right now.
Perhaps the best part of the debate the other night was when Reagan walked up to the TV and put her hand over Joe Biden's mouth (unprompted by the way) when he was talking. She must have heard enough from him, although I thought he was very presidential and impressive.
Politics aside...our family is fine. There is nothing new really going on right now. Thank goodness Dancing With The Stars and the debates keep things exciting. We went to the apple farm today so I am sure there will be some photos of that sometime next week.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
p.s. - Very sad about Kim Kardashian although not really surprised. Cloris has got to go, but I have a feeling she has another week left in her. Also, devastated about Helio. He probably will not be in the ballroom anytime soon. I wonder if you can dance in jail. Ugh!
1. I can see where people would appreciate that Gov. Sarah is just like us. Her down home, folksy, mannerisms are nice if I was at the grocery store (although do not wink at me), but I do not want to see my president or vice president being like that. Do not send a shout out to your brothers third grade class when you are trying to convince me that you are capable of being second in charge of the free world.
To be honest, I do not want the president or vice president to be just like me. I want them to appear, and actually be, much (much) smarter than I am. The president and vice president are the most powerful people in the world for goodness sakes and it scares me to think that someone like me is ruling that world. Some people think that is elitist. I don't. I think it is actually being realistic and admitting that me or someone like me is not ready to govern our country or lead the world. Say it ain't so just do not come across as being vice presidential. Good thing I am voting for a president and not a vice president.
2. If Sarah is really like me she would not be wearing a $2,000 Escada suit and Stuart Weismann shoes that were another $800. I thought she was overdressed for a debate - it would have been perfect for a state dinner or something like that - but not for a debate where she was trying to convince me that she is just like me. A $300 Kaplan suit that she bought at Macy's using a 20 percent off coupon would have been just fine to wear, as well as a pair of $50 Franco Sarto shoes that she got at DSW Shoe Warehouse. Don't get me wrong...I would die to have the suit and shoes that she wore that night...but just like me, I think not.
3. Please do not have little Piper (who is so cute) carry baby Trig. It is OK that Piper holds him while she is sitting down, but please do not have her walking around and holding him. He is way too heavy for her and if she ever were to drop him (god forbid), especially if it were to happen when on TV, the media would be all over Gov. Sarah accusing her of being an irresponsible, unfit mother! I can just see the media clips of Gov. Sarah running side by side with clips of Brittany Spears. She cannot afford to have this happen to her.
Another all of the media clips I have seen of the family, not once have I seen Todd Palin holding Trig. Whether intentional or not, with Todd not holding Trig it gives off the appearance that he is ashamed of his special needs son or that he is scared of holding him because he has special needs. If he is going to be the primary caregiver of the family if Sarah becomes vice president, then he needs to show that he embraces that role by nuturing that baby who needs all the support he can get right now.
Perhaps the best part of the debate the other night was when Reagan walked up to the TV and put her hand over Joe Biden's mouth (unprompted by the way) when he was talking. She must have heard enough from him, although I thought he was very presidential and impressive.
Politics aside...our family is fine. There is nothing new really going on right now. Thank goodness Dancing With The Stars and the debates keep things exciting. We went to the apple farm today so I am sure there will be some photos of that sometime next week.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
p.s. - Very sad about Kim Kardashian although not really surprised. Cloris has got to go, but I have a feeling she has another week left in her. Also, devastated about Helio. He probably will not be in the ballroom anytime soon. I wonder if you can dance in jail. Ugh!
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