Finally...the Dancing With The Stars 2010 cast was announced, and I have to say, I am thrilled with who is participating minus Kate Gosselin. Is it just me or does anyone like her new long hair? I actually thought her short hair was really cute and it was her signature statement. Now...she is just like everyone else and does not standout at all...or maybe that can be attributed to overexposure to the nth degree - and for what - having a ton of kids? On the other hand...she needs to feed her family (OK Latrell Sprewell) and that deadbeat, loser ex-husband of hers will be of no help to any of them down the road so she might as well take advantage of her 15 seconds of fame...which keeps dragging itself out. OK...enough about her...let's get to the highlights of the season.
You have to start with Evan Lysacek and Ochocinco! Fresh off of winning the gold medal, Evan Lysacek is an awesome choice, although Johnny Weir would have been just as good if not better (if you have not seen Being Johnny Weir on the Sundance Channel, you have to check it out - he is one interesting character and has so much charisma). Evan supposedly has a work ethic like no one has seen before and he stirves to be the best in whatever he does - hence the gold medal this year even though Evgeni Plushenko is a way better skater. I am sure he has the dancing moves and will follow in line with Kristi Yamaguchi from years past. Let's be honest though ... the best thing about Evan is that he is hot and he is dating Nastia Liukin - who was Shawn Johnson's arch enemy in the 2008 Summer Olympics. Nastia comes across as being a royal #$^%*%, but I still love her. Nastia and nasty girl Vienna might make great friends as the show progresses this season. BTW...Evan will win.
Next up is Ochocinco. He is classic. Talk about a great marketing mind. This guy knows how to market himself in every way possible. His dynamic personality will probably carry him a ways this season. It also helps that he is partnered with Cheryl who is the best dancer left on the cast now that Julianne and Karina are gone (sorry Edyta). I cannot wait to see what he does every week. He will have people talking about his antics just like he does during the NFL season. Great choice and great PR move for the franchise known as Ochocinco or whatever the translation is in Chinese or Japanese since that is the next move for him (absolutely brilliant by the way)!

I also have to thank the show for signing Erin Andrews...not for me, but for Andrew. And I have it twice as nice this year since Edyta is back (although I think she will be gone early again). At least with Erin on the show...that should allow me to have the hi-def TV for a few weeks longer. I do have to say though...I am questioning this move from a professional standpoint for Erin. Here she was just photographed by some creepy stalker and she is really fighting for professional credibility at this point and not just being another pretty face and she signs up for this? I am sure the costumes (or lack thereof) will not help her professional credibility and Christine Brennan probably has her first four columns calling this into question written already. She is a good dancer I would guess as she was a cheerleader at Florida (Urban Meyer will be her number 1 fan and use it as a recruiting advantage in some way, shape or most likely form ... oh wait he is on leave...right?????). I am just glad she is on the show so Andrew does not take the TV away from me...oh and she is with Maks! Hot!
The other people on the show are OK. Here is a breakdown of them...
Derek and the Pussycat Doll girl - They will be really good. She will not wear many clothes. Michael Phelps is guaranteed to make an appearance since I think he was dating her or one of the other Dolls. They have a guaranteed musical guest during the season. And for some reason, people like Derek - he is the most annoying male dancer to me, but he is good.
Buzz Aldrin - He looks old. I cannot imagine he will be good, but good for him for getting out there.
Shannon Doherty - Hopefully she will do better than her ex-husband. She better be a good dancer because she has no personality so I think her stay will be short even though she is with Mark Ballas.
Niecy someone - She will not go far.
Kate Gosselin - So annoying (see above). I am sure she has it in her contract that she has to make it to the finals. Say what you want about her, she is a smart business woman and can be shrewd. She will be on a for a long time and I am sure those eight kids will be in the ballroom each week in their free and matching gowns and tuxedos. Whatever. I need to have eight kids at once and see how I can live off of my kids and everyone else.

Edyta and her partner - I do not watch All My Children. This guy looks hot. Maybe another Gilles Marini.
Bachelor Jake...I am guessing that people are so mad about him choosing Vienna that he will not last long. The bigger question is how many times will he cry during the season. I am going to say at least 3 times. He is good looking, but what a baby and he was so fake. I did not watch the Bachelor this season until the final episode, but to say that he was in love with 2 women in the morning and then cry like he did when he let Tenley go...and then be so sure with Vienna. He is good actor. He should have stopped being a pilot long ago. But he is no Melissa and lost his likeability factor in the final rose so his stay will be short and he can go back to his "adventureous life" with Vienna.
Finally, how did I forget Pamela Anderson? She will be another reason that Andrew will want to watch longer. I am sure she will be very popular amongst the male crowd since I am sure she will not be wearing much - or at least that is what Andrew is counting on. I do have to say her partner, who is new to the show, is quite good looking so I wouldn't mind seeing him stick around. As long as she doesn't have to talk, she will do well.
Speaking of hoping they never have to talk...who will replace Samantha (a one of us)? Is it Melissa? I guess we will see. Samantha was so beautiful and her dresses each week were amazing, but she was so stupid and annoying. I am so glad she will not be on this year. Good luck on your journalism career. It is hard to be a journalist when you have to talk. Hmmmmm.
So there it is...my Dancing With the Stars preview for 2010. I will try and be better in updating this season. At least I am interested this year which is more than I can say for last year. Between this and Celebrity Apprentice and now Being Johnny Weir, my TV schedule is pretty full.
Oh...Reagan is good and I am plugging along - only 10 weeks to go until our newest arrival makes her appearance. Actually right during the Dancing With The Stars finale is the due date now. Hopefully she will take that into consideration and adjust her arrival accordingly.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
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