After daddy had to work on Christmas Eve, we went to church (of course did not get there in time to get a seat and sat in the lobby...definitely one of my mom's greatest pet peeves - people who save rows of seats for mass, thus making the people who get there 45 minutes early not have anywhere to sit) and then to my friend Tina's house to spend Christmas Eve with our families. It was very nice.
Christmas morning was presents, presents and more presents. If I wanted it, I got it. Some highlights included my pink Snuggie, my Sleeping Beauty paint set, my Cupcake Baker and my Princess Tiara kit. We spent the rest of the weekend playing with all of my toys and games. I think mom was tired from playing all weekend.
I also had a fever and a cold on Christmas so it was probably good that we stayed home. Mom made a full turkey dinner that turned out pretty good (except for the dinner rolls - don't get the kind that have to rise and then forget to have them rise and then try to rush the process. It doesn't work so great.)
On Saturday, we went to the zoo as Grandpa Chris got us a family membership to the zoo. It is very cool as we can go to the zoo whenever we want. Then we played more games.
Sunday we went to Chuck E. Cheese and then to the mall. It was a fun time. I finally fell asleep about 7:15 last night. I was tired and so was mom.
I hope you all had a nice Christmas. Here are some photos of my big weekend.

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Love, Reagan
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