So I am happy to report that everything went great with Andy and Sara's wedding and they are now husband and wife (or Sara and Andy as they said at the end of the service because Sara is not taking his name). I survived my reading, although I sounded very nervous. You would think reading a children's book would be much easier than reading the Bible, but trust me it isn't. I don't know what it is about reading something from a piece of paper, but I am terrible at it. I could go up in front of a group of people and talk off the cuff for 20 minutes with no problem, but ask me to read something written on a piece of paper and I am in trouble... it must be my Texas education at work. :) Here is a photo of the happy couple and one of Crystal, Sara and I.
The rest of the weekend was pretty low key. We went swimming with Reagan on Friday night. Sunday, we just ran errands and watched car racing. Reagan needed new shoes and then we figured out that all of her clothes are too nice to wear to daycare so we needed to buy some grungy clothes (which killed me). Monday we shampooed our carpets to see how bad they really are. Actually, they cleaned up pretty nice, which was a relief considering we keep talking about trying to sell our townhouse and move to a bigger house. I just don't think we can afford it. Finally, we went over to our friends' house, Bob and Elaine, for dinner with their family. Reagan had a great time as you have never seen anything funnier than Reagan and Bob dancing outside together.
We have another busy weekend ahead of us as we leave Friday for Wisconsin to see Andrew's cousin Kyle graduate from high school. His whole family is going to be there so Reagan will get to see her Grandma Kate and Aunt Alison again this weekend (twice in three weeks), as well as the rest of the family.
Nothing else really to report. We have gone 10 whole days with no passie for Miss Reagan. I think we might be through the worst, although she did ask for it last night. One bad thing is that she has switched her dependence from the passie to the DVD player as she has to watch movies 24-7. Not good either, since I have seen Strawberry Shortcake, Suzy Shelton and Hunchback of Notre Dame about 20 times in the past week. We either need to break the habit or buy more movies.
Gotta "go,go,go,"
Reagan's mom
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