Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kristi Outshines the Competition

Kristi was by far the winner of the Dancing With The Stars danceoff last night. She dominated in the Cha-Cha Faceoff and her freestyle was awesome. She should definitely win, and by all online polls I have seen, she will. Cristian will be second and Jason third.

Jason and Edyta's freestyle was really good except for the end when they missed the lift. Finally though, Jason took his shirt off. He has to get some extra votes for that. I waited all season for that. They are just a stunning couple.

Cristian and Cheryl were good too. I thought you could really see that he was only using one arm last night, but they were still good. It was a great season.

I have a tennis match tonight so I will miss the show, but there really is no doubt as to who will win tonight.

I am not sure what to make of this, but when we were watching the show last night, Reagan wanted to dance, but asked that we take her shirt off so she could perform. I didn't really know what to think about that and you could imagine how horrified her father was. I'm not sure if she wanted to be like Edyta or if I should be nervous about what her future line of work might be when she turns 18. Ugh! Maybe it is a good thing the season is coming to an end!

Gotta "go,go,go,"
Reagan's mom

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