Friday, February 22, 2008

Look At The Assist Leaders!

Well, Andrew's team lost the big game last night 7-5. Bummer, but I guess the Vipers are a bunch of sandbaggers and playing a level below where they are supposed to be playing - or so I am told.

Although it is a team game, Andrew did have two assists last night and now has three on the season. He is tied for second in the league in assists. I think he should hold out now and ask for more money. Or maybe if he ups his HGH cycling then he will climb to #1. Seriously, he is pretty excited about the whole thing.

Here is the complete league leaders list:

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom

p.s. - Some big news with Reagan is they got a new puppy at daycare - a bassett hound named Yogi. I guess Reagan and Yogi have become fast friends. I am sure I will have photos of the two new best friends very soon.

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