Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Alana's Little Apples

Reagan's daycare provider, Alana, has started a blog so the parents can keep track of what their kids are doing at her house. I thought everyone would love to see where Reagan spends her days. It must be way better than home because she never wants to leave.

I am sure most of you are saying, "Lisa let her daughter leave the house with that on?" Just for the record, I did not dress her in this. Give me some credit! :) At least no one can see her looking like this - although now being able to see her on this blog could cause me a heart attack every day.

The older girls like to dress her in these crazy princess costumes, and of course, she loves the dresses and the attention. She is quite the girly-girl much to her dad's chagrin, although as long as she keeps saying her favorite sport is hockey and pumping her fist whenever anyone scores a goal, I think he will be OK.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom

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