Monday, December 24, 2007

Sledding at Great Grandma's

It is Christmas Eve and we finally made it to Great Grandma's after a snowstorm delayed our trip by a day. Great Grandma got a foot of snow, while we only got three inches in the Cities, but it was windy, windy so we decided that it would be better to wait. Probably a good idea since the Vikings were on last night and I got a little upset at their pitiful performance. Didn't really want to be around anyone. Anyway....

Reagan went sledding for the first time today. The snow was too deep to really sled, but we still had fun. She didn't like keeping her mittens on, making it a fast trip outside. She had a grea time which was capped off by daddy doing a big face plant in the snow when he tried to sled down the hill. The sled didn't really move and neither did daddy.

Hope everyone has a great holiday. We will be heading back to Minneapolis tomorrow afternoon since Santa is coming to our house later in the day to visit Reagan. Isn't that nice that he still is going to drop her presents off at home even though she will not be there until later. Great guy that Santa.

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Love, Reagan's Mom

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