Monday, December 24, 2007

Our Little Musician

I don't know how this can be happening, but I think Reagan might be more into arts than sports. That is near impossible in our house, but each day, we keep seeing more and more of this unique behavior.

As everyone knows, she loves to color, color, color. She has received many markers, crayons and coloring books for Christmas thus far and that will never be enough to make it through the year.

She also loves to dance as Dancing With the Stars is one of her favorite TV shows and she knows every move in the latest Wiggles video. She is a master of Running Up The Sandhills...those who have kids know exactly what I am talking about.

And now we have noticed that she is drawn to music, especially the organ (her Auntie Crystal will be very proud). Here is a photo of her playing that organ at her Great Grandma's house. Look at the hand is almost perfect.

Maybe it is just a phase as she still knows that when the horn goes off, a goal has been scored in hockey and the Vikings are trying to score touchdowns! We will keep you updated.

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Love, Reagan's Mom

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