Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Photos

Here are some Christmas photos. We ended up staying home because the weather was too iffy in Wisconsin, although we got 12 inches as well and then some rain and ice. That did not deter us as we were still very busy ... we are hoping to go to Wisconsin this weekend to see great grandma.

After daddy had to work on Christmas Eve, we went to church (of course did not get there in time to get a seat and sat in the lobby...definitely one of my mom's greatest pet peeves - people who save rows of seats for mass, thus making the people who get there 45 minutes early not have anywhere to sit) and then to my friend Tina's house to spend Christmas Eve with our families. It was very nice.
Christmas morning was presents, presents and more presents. If I wanted it, I got it. Some highlights included my pink Snuggie, my Sleeping Beauty paint set, my Cupcake Baker and my Princess Tiara kit. We spent the rest of the weekend playing with all of my toys and games. I think mom was tired from playing all weekend.

I also had a fever and a cold on Christmas so it was probably good that we stayed home. Mom made a full turkey dinner that turned out pretty good (except for the dinner rolls - don't get the kind that have to rise and then forget to have them rise and then try to rush the process. It doesn't work so great.)

On Saturday, we went to the zoo as Grandpa Chris got us a family membership to the zoo. It is very cool as we can go to the zoo whenever we want. Then we played more games.

Sunday we went to Chuck E. Cheese and then to the mall. It was a fun time. I finally fell asleep about 7:15 last night. I was tired and so was mom.

I hope you all had a nice Christmas. Here are some photos of my big weekend.

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Love, Reagan

Christmas 2009

OK, OK...I know I have not been so good about updating this site (in fact, I think it has been since November 2 or so according to Andrew), but I figure that people can just see all the photos of Reagan on Facebook. If you are not my Facebook friend, then friend me so you can keep up to date on Reagan.

Here is the 2009 version of the Christmas letter, although I think that everyone should have received one in the mail by now. The biggest news is that Reagan is going to be a big sister come May. We are going to find out what we are having this time - the big date is January 7. Reagan says it can only be a sister, although she started to change her tune over the weekend. I think she is just excited that she is going to have a big brother or sister. Boy will that change once she figures out that she will not be the center of attention each and every moment.

December 2009

It is that time once again for me to sit down and reflect on all the events of 2009. I am now four, and pretty popular, so there is a lot to talk about, but first I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a blessed 2010!

Life is still all about me in the Mushett household, although that could be changing in 2010 (much to my chagrin)! I found out I am going to have a new sister (or brother, but since I do not want a brother I know it will be a sister) in May. I am excited as I have already named my “sister” Selena after my newest idol Selena Gomez from Disney Channel (my mom says that is better than Strawberry Shortcake, but I am not sure she is sold on Selena yet.). We are all very excited although we are not sure where my “sister” is going to sleep since we only have a two-bedroom house, but I am sure it will work it out. Being the older, more mature big sister, I will clean out my sock drawer for Selena to sleep in if I have to!

I turned 4 in November with a big birthday bash in San Antonio with my Grandma and Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles and cousins. I am 40 inches tall and 32 pounds (one of these days I will fit into a booster seat – maybe when I am 10). I am a “big” girl now that I am four and actually mastered potty training (well almost) two weeks before my birthday. I am a big, big talker (I wonder where I get that from) and I am quite Type A (I wonder where I get that from). I live off of Cheerios, salad, tacos and peanut butter sandwiches and I was so lucky when the Easter Bunny brought me grapes, cherry tomatoes and carrots this year because he knows I do not like candy or sweets (whose kid is this anyways?).

I am still at the same daycare and doing my schoolwork everyday. I can read Fun with Dick and Jane all by myself! I have about 17 best friends and am starting to have a lot of play dates. I also love to play with mom and dad’s iphones and text their friends whenever they are not looking (so if you get a random text, it is probably from Reagan!).

I started dance class this fall – ballet and tap. I love to look at myself in the mirror in my beautiful dance outfits and cannot wait until I get to dance “on the stage” at my recital in June. I am also going against all my mom’s wishes and starting tennis lessons after the holidays. I might try ice skating again this year (it did not go so well last year) just to keep my dad happy, but we will see.

Perhaps the biggest event of the year was when I fell off my mom and dad’s bed and broke my arm in two spots. I had to wear an arm-length cast for six weeks in September and October, but thankfully it was bright pink so I did not mind. It even matched my Minnie Mouse Halloween costume. Actually, I was a real trooper and did not complain once (thank goodness for waterproof casts). My friends all signed it and I loved the attention.

Mommy and daddy are good. They are still with the USTA and Thomson Reuters, respectively. Andrew is still doing NBA and WNBA stats and worked the PGA Championships in August, while mommy is involved with a lot of tennis special events and decided to start selling Lia Sophia jewelry in March (shameless plug time…visit her website at so she can pay for my college education!). Mommy is still playing tennis and daddy hockey so they are busy. Corby (who is 5 ½) is doing fine (we’ll see how he is when Selena arrives in 5 months).

It was a busy year of travel for me once again. I went to Arizona for spring training, Spokane for two weeks with Grandma and Grandpa, Wisconsin to see my cousin Amy graduate, three Notre Dame football games as part of the Charlie Weis farewell tour (do not get my dad started on the state of Irish football), San Antonio and Austin for my birthday and Spokane again for Thanksgiving.

Unless I “forgot for something” (which I tell my mom all the time), that really has been my exciting year! I miss all of you. Here’s hoping that 2010 is the best one yet. If you are ever in Minnesota, please stop to see me! I love to have visitors and will need someone to pay attention to me once “Selena” gets out of mommy’s tummy. Until then…happy holidays!

Love, Reagan
(Andrew, Lisa, “Selena” and Corby too!)