Tuesday, April 28, 2009
DWTS Week 8
So I have to start with Melissa and those pants she was wearing for the warm up dance. Could they have been any lower? There was no way they were going to stay up while she was dancing that number. And then her top (or lack of top)? She was actually wearing less in that number than what she would ever wear on the show. Andrew loved that part and was wondering if her pants fell off, were they going to use a black box or a cloud to cover up her booty - which he was all for? I think he saw her in a new light yesterday - which is good for me because I will get to watch on the big TV again if she sticks around. I will admit that she has an incredible body and looked fantastic. It is pretty amazing for a "normal person." I hate her. :)Too bad she is hurt, but she will survive if she can continue to dance.
Now my next highlight of the night - Ty and Chelsea. I just love them! And Ty was fantastic last night. I don't know where that came from, but he was amazing in both his individual dance and the group dance. I am sure he will get voted off tonight, but he went out on top and that was awesome. And the spray tan clip was priceless.
The groups dances were fun. The Single Ladies ending was so funny and Chuck was awesome. He looks like he is just so much fun to be around. And Lacey was incredible considering that she only had about an hour to learn the dance after Melissa bowed out (Andrew also liked her surprise appearance last night). The second group dance was really good as well although I did not think they danced together that much. I loved them. Combined with last week's, the group dances have been the highlights of the show this year.
About the rest of the dancers...they are all great and I think it is going to be interesting to see how this all shakes out. I did not think Gilles and Cheryl were worthy of 9s last night, but since I took them in my pool, I am glad they got them. Derek and Lil Kim were really good in the Paso. She really can get into the character and that adds to her dancing. Shawn and Mark were boring, but good. I thought Carrie Ann's 10 was way too high. Julianne and Chuck were good as well, but that shirt he had on...I am shaking my head. I think they are the next couple to go after Ty and Chelsea, but who knows.
It was a great night. We will see what happens tonight...
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
DWTS - Week 7

Missed the show last night, but somehow found time to watch it during the day. :)
First of all...the dresses the women had on last night were amazing. Edyta, Chelsea and Cheryl all looked stunning. I loved each one of them, especially Chelsea's strawberry wine dress. Just gorgoeus.
As for the show...Lawrence (and sadly Edyta) need to go. I think Lawrence has checked out. Ty was good so I think he is safe for another week! Melissa was good, but I thought Shawn and Mark were the best. They have come so far and I really hope they win.
The group dance was awesome. I loved it. It was so fun and everyone did a really good job, except for Lawrence. He was too cool to get into character and participate. He is getting paid a lot of money for this. He should be doing whatever they ask of him.
That is my quick recap. I am going to miss the results show as I have a tennis match tonight. This is the busiest week ever for me as I had a dinner last night, happy hour and a match tonight, jewelry shows Wednesday and Thursday and another one on Saturday!
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Monday, April 20, 2009
Under The Golden Dome
We had a great weekend in Chicago and Notre Dame. We started on Friday by stopping at Ella's Deli in Madison for lunch and so Reagan could ride the merry-go-round. It was then back on the road and we finally arrived in Chicago about 4 p.m. We were able to meet the newest addition to our group...little Jake Kinninger who is now 8 weeks old. He is so cute and a very good baby. It was fun to finally see him. We then all had dinner and drinks and called it a night about 10 p.m., which for all of us is pretty good now.
Note: Ice cream from Ella's Deli in Madison, Wis.
Saturday morning we headed to Notre Dame and saw a lot of friends. It was a perfect day to be there and so much fun seeing everyone. We walked around campus, saw a little of the spring football game, managed to get to the bookstore and spend a lot of money and also get a CJ's burger. It was a pretty typical South Bend stop.
Note: The Kinningers - April, Baby Jake (8 weeks) and Mike
Note: Reagan praying for a good football season at the Grotto.
Note: Reagan stops to smell the flowers at Notre Dame.
The boys took the kids home, while the girls stopped in Michigan City to do a little shopping which was fun.
On Sunday, Reagan finally got to ride the El as we went to breakfast and then made the long drive home. It was a great weekend.
Note: Reagan's first ride on the El in Chicago.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Thursday, April 16, 2009
New Photo of Reagan
Grandma Vicki asked that I post some new photos of Reagan today. This dress she has on is actually a dress that Grandma Vicki wore way back in the day and was made by Reagan's great, great, great Grandma. Pretty cool. It is on its last legs, but it is so beautiful.
We are headed to Chicago and Notre Dame this weekend. We are really excited. Reagan cannot wait to ride the El in Chicago. We are also excited to see all of our friends and the newest addition to our circle - little Jake Kinninger. We are going to the Blue-Gold game this weekend and there are a number of ND football alums who are coming back for the game so I am excited about that. It will be a great chance to see some people I have not seen in a while. We also have plans to visit the bookstore (Dad, I know you want the Shirt) and a few other favorite places while we are there. I am sure you will see plenty of photos next week.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Andrew Wins The Stanley Cup Again

Andrew's hockey team won the league championship again last weekend. It is the second year in a row his team has won and they have only played two seasons. I think he is liking this winning thing since his other teams (the Indians, Blue Jackets, Notre Dame and the Browns) never win anything.
Andrew had to play 4 games in 72 hours in winning the championship. He actually hung in there pretty good and was not too tired once it was over. He scored two goals in the second game so he was pretty excited about that. In the championship game, they won 4-2, but he was a -2 (he doesn't like it that I point that out). Good thing it is a team game.
Overall, he was the top scoring winger on his team and finished the year with 13 points.
Here is a photo of the winning team!
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Ty Is In Big Trouble On DWTS
So last night, I felt like I was watching a soft porn show more suited for Cinemax than ABC as there was so much skin showing on everyone. The guys all had bare chests and the women were showing off their midsections at a record pace. Of course, Andrew thought this was the best week ever for DWTS except he wanted to see the women with bare chests and the men with the bare midsections, but I digress.
The highlight or lowlight in Chuck's case was the outfit worn by Chuck and Julianne. Julianne looked like a pole dancer and then their steamy dance did not help anything. I agreed with Len that it was too hot and looked like it should be in the bedroom more than the ballroom. Chuck, on the other hand, should lose his man card as my friend Kathleen texted me last night. He was wearing a lace shirt! I couldn't even look at him (and he is really hot so that must mean I really hated the shirt). I am sure his redneck, country music fans were wondering what team he is on after that outfit and his fan base was cut in half with that shirt. I don't expect him to wearing that with wranglers anytime soon.
Tony and Melissa's outfits were also unforgettable. Melissa's did not leave much to the imagination, while Tony looked like a big thing of cotton candy with the pink and yellow flowing shirt and sequence. Wow...you have to be pretty secure in your manhood to wear that.
And Edyta's legwarmers...I was surprised Andrew even saw those since she was wearing barely anything else.
As for the Dancing last night...the couples I picked for my pool (Melissa and Lil Kim) got the highest scores so I am right back in the hunt for the title after a dismal week. Melissa was good. Lil Kim was fun, but she made a ton of mistakes. I thought the 10s were way to high. Len was right on giving them 8s.
Shawn and Mark were great. I really hope they win! She looked beautiful and there is no way she is only 17. Gilles and Cheryl were a little wild. I think the music they had to use was not good for a jive (why do they do that to the couples?), but they were all over the place. Chuck and Julianne were good, but just a little too lovey-dovey for me.
Steve-O was awful, but he has such a fan base that I think he will be safe. Andrew also thinks that Lacey is really hot this year. She has lost a lot of weight and looks fantastic. Lawrence and Edyta were OK - much better than they had been all season.
So that leaves Ty and Chelsea and I think the rodeo is going to be finished for this cowboy.
Gotta "go,go,go,"
Reagan's mom
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
Enjoy the day!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Egg Hunt
Reagan went to an Easter Egg Hunt today at church. There were a million kids so they were limited in only getting three eggs each, but she still had a good time as you will see.
We also went to the Timberwolves game tonight and sat next to her daycare providers Marcy and Gary. It was a good time, even though the Wolves were killed by Shaq and Phoenix. After the game, she was high-fived by Kevin Love - who plays for the Wolves - as we were down below with dad. He actually stopped and talked to her when he walked by. I was pretty impressed by that. It was celebrity night at the Wolves game tonight as American Idol winner Jordin Sparks was also at the game, as well as NFL star Larry Fitzgerald, Jr. That is just how Reagan rolls...with the stars! Mom loved it.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Friday, April 10, 2009
Easter Day is Coming!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Dancing With The Stars Recap
This week's show was OK, nothing great. After Gilles and Cheryl, there was nothing that was outstanding. Gilles and Cheryl are so far ahead of everyone else. I am not sure what the show can do to bring them back to the pack - given them an occassional 9? They are outstanding and he is smoking hot. I knew he was going to be awesome last night doing the Paso Doble. That was the one dance I was waiting to see from him and he did not disappoint, even though the music they had to dance to was a very difficult selection. And then for him to start the dance with no shirt on...no else had a chance!
Shawn and Mark, my preseason picks, were also very good. She is so beautiful and just seems so much older than 17. I wonder what her mom thinks of those outfits. I am pretty sure that I would not want Reagan to be wearing those outfits at age 17, but then again if she was making $250,000 minimum, I might reconsider. Did you know that for just appearing on the show, you make $250,000? And it only goes up the longer you stay on the show.
It was a tough week for me in the Dancing With The Stars pool. I had a pretty good lead after the first four weeks, but this week will definitely bring me back to the pack as I had Ty and Chelsea and Lawrence and Edyta. I had to use different teams than the big four this week so I thought I would take a chance on these two and it is did not work out. They were both average and should be worried about being sent home. I thought Lawrence would embrace the Paso Doble, but he just is not very good. I am getting the feeling that he is not that dedicated as he shows up to practice in his golf clothes every day. Edyta also looks very crabby this season - although I loved her outfit last night (so did Andrew by the way). I made a mistake on Ty and Chelsea because I was thinking they were going to do the waltz which would be pretty safe for Ty. When I saw they were doing the Paso, I knew I was in deep trouble. He was awful...stiff and extremely rigid. They were lucky to get three 7s. I seriously think these two better look out tonight (although it should be Steve-O to go).
And for the first time, we saw Melissa struggle. I am sure she will bounce back just fine, but they were not very good last night. She made a number of mistakes. Her costume though was awesome...her stomach is amazing.
Lil Kim was good, although I thought she smiled too much when she was dancing. Classic moment though when Kim was talking about her Buddah Board (which is where you paint on the board's special surface with water; the image darkens and then slowly fades away. It is a Zen thing.) and stupid Samantha thought she said voodoo doll. What an idiot. I am sure the producers were just hoping Samantha would shut up. It was pretty embarrassing.
Chuck and Julianne are just so darn cute. She is so perfect - gorgeous, great singer, great dancer, seems to be so nice and has the hottest boyfriend. He is pretty awesome as well. They are almost too perfect.
David Alan Greer better look out too. He was awful last night and he is not very popular. He could be the next victim tonight.
Steve-O needs to go, although Andrew has decided that Lacey is really hot so maybe I need him to stick around so I can watch the show on the big TV. I need all the positives I can find behind so I can continue to watch it downstairs! Lacey does look great this year. She has lost some weight and is really pretty.
Did I miss anyone...if I did that probably means they were not worth mentioning.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
p.s. - just a Celebrity Apprentice note, Donald Trump was way out of line the other night when he fired Tionne and Khloe. I think he fired them because they add nothing to the show and they will not generate any ratings for him, but still. The way he talked to them and treated them...inexcusable. I am also really annoyed with all the degrading of women on his part this year. He continually talks about how women look and really has said a number of inappropriate and offensive things. Of course I am still going to watch it as it is the best season yet, but he has made an ass of himself this year.