I think I have mentioned that Reagan has graduated from the pre-school curriculum at daycare and is the youngest ever at that daycare to start kindergarten work. She is very proud that she is doing kindergarten work. I don' t really know what that all means, but the other night I got my first taste as to what Marcy and Gary have been telling me in terms of how smart she is.

I was working on a project and she was sitting next to me drawing pictures - the one with the curly hair above is me (I guess it is pretty good that she can even draw a smiley face at her age, let alone add curly hair and arms, etc.). I said to her, "Can you write my name?" - of course joking and I started saying the letters L-I-S-A. Well, I looked over at her paper and there is was L-I-S-A in perfect form. I could not believe it! Then I asked her if she could spell Andrew. Not quite in line like my name, but if you look, every letter was there. It was amazing. I had no idea that she could make her letters already, let alone do it with me just saying them. I was telling Marcy about it and she said that they work on letters, but they she did not know that she could make them after people said them either.

She also is learning to spell and last night spelled cat and every word that rhymed with it with no issues. And of course, she can spell her name and Minnesota (I knew the Rouser would come in handy one day! Chris Voelz would be so proud.).
Anyway...pictured are the samples of her work. You would all be very proud of my not-so-little- baby-anymore. She is really a piece of work.
On a sadder note, we found out that Andrew's paternal grandma's cancer has returned and she is too weak to operate. It is only a matter of time so please keep her and the entire family in your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you updated.
It is a big weekend with Valentine's Day on Friday/Saturday and then Andrew's birthday on Sunday. Reagan is really into Valentine's Day this year so that has been fun and she is really excited about her party at school. We, of course, have no plans, but it is fun to see her so excited about it.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's proud mom
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