First, Andrew's dad had to go back to the hospital. He had another aneurism in his leg and so this time they had to put a stint in it. He is home, but he is not allowed to drive, fly or leave the house and has to have his leg elevated at all times. He is really bored (daytime TV is not all it is cracked up to be I am guessing and you can only read so many books). I think he realized how serious all of this is and so he is finally taking it easy (which is hard for him). With the bacterial infection in his heart, the doctors just cannot be too careful. He is continuing on his IV for the next couple of weeks and then they will make a decision about the next steps in the middle of August.
Then, Keith's (my sister's husband) grandmother passed away on Sunday at the age of 86. Today is the funeral and I know it is going to be very hard on him and his mom. We are thinking of them during the trying time.
On the other hand, there are some things to smile about. My tennis team won the Twin Cities Area Championships over the weekend and is one tournament away from qualifying for the National Championship in November. We finished the weekend 5-0 and really played well against some very tough competition. I personally was 3-1 on the weekend. After a shaky start, I was paired with a different partner and we played great together - although Ann carried much of the load as I played less than Wimbledon-quality tennis. In fact, I was pretty awful, but I guess it was good enough to win. Our next tournament is August 16-17 so we will see what happens.
Andrew's hockey team finished second in its division and qualified for the playoffs. He plays on a team with a bunch of goons as they have almost 40 more penalty minutes than any other team - nice. Anyway...his playoffs start next week as well.
Reagan is great. She is just getting so big each day. Last week, she told Andrew and I to "cool our jets!" I tried not to laugh, but it was pretty funny. I am still not sure where that came from. She is still doing great at preschool and tomorrow, she is going with Daddy to see the Wiggles (thanks Dan for winning the tickets!). It will be her first concert and she is pretty excited about it. Here are some funny photos of her!
I will update again after the Wiggles as I am sure that Reagan will have taken some great photos of the concert!
Happy Birthday Holly! I miss you so much!
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
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