I knew something was going on with them. It was just so obvious. I really should be an entertainment reporter like the new chick on the Real World (although she is so dumb - I cannot believe I watched that on Wednesday. That show is what is wrong with our society.) Anyway... I cannot wait until Monday.
It has been a pretty quiet week for the Mushetts. Reagan is really struggling between wanting to be a baby and a big girl. She has been in tears most of the week making her mom and dad just as frustrated as she is. She also seems to hate being at home and cries whenever we are there. I don't know if she misses her friends at daycare or the chance to play with them or what, but as soon as we get to daycare, she is happy and like today goes to sit in Marcy's lap and says, "Bye Lisa." (Yes, I am once again Lisa and not mommy.)
We joined Life Time Fitness today hoping that will help solve some of this crying. With its huge pool and daycare center, we think this might be a good thing for her. I know what some of you are thinking, "If she wasn't an only child and had a brother or sister...." Sometimes I think that too and then I think we need a bigger house before that even becomes a serious thought.
The other big news of the week is that we bought a Dyson vacuum. For those of you who have one, you understand when I say they are to die for. For all of you that are thinking, "Lisa, you used to be so fun," I know what you are feeling and I feel your pain.
I am going through midlife crisis I think. I used to be fun. I know things change as people get older, get married, have kids, but it makes me sad that buying a new vacuum (it is a great vacuum) is the highlight of the week.
No big plans this weekend except our first Twins (or in Andrew's case, Indians game) this season at the Dome. Corby is sick so he has an appointment at the vet tonight. Hopefully he is OK. Stomach problems just like his mom and grandpa.
Anyway...Shannon and Derek...I knew it!
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
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