Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy Birthday To Reagan!

Reagan turned 2 last Thursday and the "terrible twos" were not far behind. Although she tells everyone that she is 9 (and sometimes acts like it), she is definitely asserting herself these days and voicing her displeasure when she doesn't get what she wants (which has been more often than not lately).

She had a nice party with Andrew, Great Grandma Jan and Corby, as I was in Florida on a work trip. Great Grandma made dinner for everyone and then they opened presents. Finally, they sang and gave her a birthday apple pie, since Reagan does not like cake. Unfortunately, she did not like pie either. I should have made a cracker and hot dog cake before I left with grapes on top. I know she would have eaten that.

Anyway... here are a few photos from the big day. She received a number of presents including a "color, color, color desk," videos, magnets, blocks, a stuffed Tigger, a princess pillowcase, a puzzle of her name, a purse, clothes and much, much more. She had a really good day. Thank you to everyone who sent her gifts. You will get a thank you letter some day. :)

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom

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