Reagan is 21 months now and is quickly becoming a little girl. She is "so pretty" as she likes to tell me and loves clothes and shoes (her favorite shoes are her "pretty shoes" - her pink crocs) like her mom. She also talks a lot (like her mom) with her favorite words being hockey, awesome, color, grapes and coke (everything is Coke to her so she must have some Texas roots in her somewhere). She loves to play with her puppy (she calls him Buddy or puppy) and tries to get him to lick her face all the time. She also likes to be outside and to "go, go, go." She loves her daycare and all her friends and she can count to 10, although I think everyone asks her to count all the time because she immediately says "no" when you start to count. She also loves the water, whether it is "scrub, scrub time" or drinking "wa wa" out of the fountain. She doesn't drink the water, she puts her hands in it and then pretends she is washing her face to cool down. She also likes to read...if I don't ever have to read "Wheels on the Bus", "Itsy Bitsy Spider" or "I've Been Working On The Railroad/Eyes of Texas" (depending on if mom or dad is reading it) ever again, it would be OK. She still naps twice a day so that is nice!
Her Grandma Kate and Aunt Alison are coming this weekend which should be fun for them. Her dad is in San Francisco for the next four days so we will see how the "Daddy's Girl" handles it. We will also see how daddy handles it since he has never been gone from her for this long.
OK...well, I have killed enough time in the office and it is now time to go. We will see how long I keep up with this. I hope you enjoy it and I will try and upload photos as much as possible.
Time to "go, go, go."
Reagan's mom
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