Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Reagan, Ava and Oliver

My 20-year reunion also gave me a chance to bring Reagan to Texas so she could see her cousins and Grandma Vicki. She had a great time and the kids are all so cute. The first thing she told daddy when she got home was how "Uncle Keith was getting her the whole time." I wish they lived closer!

Grandma and I did take Reagan and Ava to Chuck E. Cheese on Saturday and then we came home and went swimming. The rest of the weekend was spent playing with all of Ava and Oliver's great toys. They have a playroom that is like heaven for Reagan.

One other note...Reagan was awesome on the plane. She got her own seat this time and was such a big girl as she put her seat belt on for takeoff and landing. She also liked the tray tables so she could put her movies on them.

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom

20-Year High School Reunion

I went to my 20-year high school reunion over the weekend back in Keller, Texas. It was fun, but kind of disappointing in that not many people were there. Many of my friends did come so that was great to catch up with them again after all this time, but I still wish I could have seen more people.

On Friday, Lara Gerdes (who was visiting her family from Egypt) invited Kim Nixon and I over for a pool party just like old times. It was great to see Lara and her family, including her mom and dad again. Her children are beautiful and awesome swimmers. Kim brought husband Kyle (who I hadn't seen since my wedding) and I brought Reagan. While we were there, Brooke Bradley called and she came over with her kids as well (so cute). It was a great time and brought back a lot of nice memories.

That night we went to some bar in the Stockyards for the first reunion activity. It was great to see Carla Chitwood and Chris James, Mickey L., Mike Dickens, as well as a number of others from our class.

Saturday night was the big party (which only about 50 people attended), but it was still a fun time catching up with people. I really enjoyed seeing Ken April and Karen Russell (who was a champion staying until midnight being 36-weeks pregnant with twins). Karen was my sister's best friend in high school and was hilarious. She married someone from my class so it was fun to see her there. Chad did a great job with the video! Thanks again Chad.

All-in-all, it was a fun time. I just wish more people would have been there, especially my tennis friends. High school seems like so long ago!

Here are some photos from the weekend.

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We're Headed To Texas

Reagan and I are headed to Texas Thursday night for the weekend. I am going to my 20th high school reunion (can you believe that...I wish I could have taken off about 20 pounds for the big event, but oh well!), while Reagan plays with her cousins Ava and Oliver. Grandma Vicki also flew in for the weekend so we have all the grandkids in one place. It should be a fun time.

I am sure Andrew has big plans for the weekend since he will be a bachelor and all. I know he has trips to BW3 (and probably Hooters) in store this weekend since I will never go there with him. He is not going to Texas since he has a Lynx game and a hockey game this weekend, plus I could think of nothing worse for him than to be in a room of people he doesn't know. He cannot talk to people he knows without freaking out, so to be in a room of strangers...it would be a nightmare for him.

Here are a couple of photos of Reagan. She went to Bob and Elaine's on Sunday and picked raspberries "so she can bring them to Ava." Very cute. She will not eat them though - only pick them.

Last night, she got her haircut for the first time since she was 9 months old. She did really good sitting in the chair and actually let the lady dry her hair and braid it. I was shocked since I cannot even brush it.

Tonight is my big Tennis Happy Hour downtown. Hopefully people will come and everything will go well. As long as the band does not blow out any windows, I think I will be fine. The weather is amazing today!

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Busy Times For The Mushetts

Reagan apologizes for being lax on the blogging lately. She has been pretty busy, but thought she would provide a quick update of what is going on in her world.

She started "preschool" last week and can't wait to tell everyone about it. She is so excited to do schoolwork when she arrives at daycare in the morning that she runs to the computer. She was moved up to the preschool curriculum last week and is very proud of that. Marcy and Gary say that she is extremely smart and they are going to have to work hard to keep her challenged. Now if she would move up to the preschool currculum for potty training, we would be in business, but I digress.

Andrew's dad is home from the hospital, but he has been diagnosed with a bacterial infection in his heart with possible valve damage. They will soon have to decide whether he needs open heart surgery or not to repair it. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Andrew and I are good. He has a lot of hockey games going on right now and I have a lot of tennis happening. We also have a few Lynx games thrown in there and trip to the club to take Reagan swimming. That is pretty much our life right now.

Reagan and I are heading to Texas July 24-27 for my 20th high school reunion. Grandma Vicki is also flying down so she can have all her grandchildren together once again. It should be a fun time although I could stand to lose 20 pounds before the reunion. Oh well.

We also have trips to Wisconsin, Cleveland, the US Open in New York, Spokane and South Bend coming up before the end of September. Reagan will be spending a week in Wisconsin with Grandma Jan while Marcy and Gary are on vacation and two weeks in Spokane with Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Rick while we are at the US Open. I am already dreading being away from her for that long, but I think she will have a great time with her grandmas!

I'm famous (or infamous) as I was on the all-sports station here in town this morning promoting a tennis tournament we have going on right now. If you want to listen to it, visit http://www.kfan.com/ and click on Fan On Demand. My interview was at 7:25 a.m. so you need to listen to the 7 a.m. hour. I will put a link up here when they post it as well. The scary part is everyone now knows that I am a loyal listener to KFAN and the Power Trip Morning Show.

It is a big day at Notre Dame today as they are naming a new AD that no one has ever heard of. After reading his resume though, I am pretty impressed and think it will be a great fit. I am looking forward to seeing what he can do.

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reagan's Blog Celebrates Its 100th Post!

Happy 100th! Can you believe it has been that many posts? And I haven't even been able to write about Dancing With The Stars...although I heard Warren Sapp might be on next year. Ick. Another icky things these days - the rumors of Madonna and A-Rod. So gross.

It has been a busy time for the Mushetts in the past week - but then again when is it not.

The biggest news is that Andrew's dad is in the hospital with a becterial infection of his heart. He was very lucky as there are signs he had a heart attack, as well as an aneurism in his leg. He will be in the hospital for a few more days and then will have to wear a 24-hour IV for the next 6-8 weeks to get that infection taken care of. It is very scary, although he seems to be doing OK and praying that he gets out before the big graduation celebration for his niece this weekend. They are cooking over 100 pounds of chicken wings for this event, not to mention the other bad foods for you. I am not sure what the doctor will think of that, but I guess what the doctor doesn't know....

We are heading to Wisconsin for the 4th of July - spending the night at Andrew's grandma's on Thursday and then going to see Mike, April, Dave, Jen and Avani on the 4th at some point in Pewaukee. Should be very interesting as most of central and eastern Wisconsin is underwater still from the flooding. Andrew's grandma's lake is contaminated, while the water level of Mike and April's was threatening to turn their house into a houseboat. The roads between Chicago and Milwaukee and Madison and Milwaukee are also down to one-lane each way so that will make things challenging as well.

Last weekend was busy. Friday, I went to the U.S. Women's Golf Open with my friend Sandy and we got our photo with the trophy (shown above). That night our friend Malcolm Moran, who is the Knight Chair of the Sports Journalism Program at Penn State, was visiting and wanted to have dinner with Reagan. So we headed to the Loon before hitting Coldstone Creamery and roaming the downtown skyway system. Reagan finally conked out at 10:30, but quite a valiant effort by the diva. Saturday, Reagan had a birthday party in the morning and then we all went to a graduation party that night - this is the source of the horse photos. Reagan had a great time at both parties as she kept talking about wanting to go to parties all weekend. Sunday was a day of rest for Reagan as she is not so good about going to sleep or napping these days. We finally got her to take a three-hour nap about 4 p.m. Of course, she did not go to bed that night until 11 p.m.

Anyway...we hope you have a good and safe 4th of July.

Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom