Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sabrina Shocker...Not Really
Of course, my negativity is going to come through in this post, so you might not want to read what is below. I truly believe this show is fixed, like American Idol, and this is what really happened last night.
On Monday, they were setting up the audience for Sabrina's departure when they showed how busy she was with her new music video, and the fact the new Cheetah Girls record is coming out soon (just in time for Christmas of course). I honestly think when Sabrina agreed to do the show, she said she was available up through this week. Just like Mark Cuban last week, who was let go because the NBA season starts this week, Sabrina knew her record was going to drop and she was going to have a number of promotional appearances that would prevent her from committing to Dancing the rest of the season (although I will say she is a great actress because she really did look shocked and devastated that she was sent home).
But the "shock" works out great for all parties because Sabrina received 7 weeks of free publicity to promote herself and the Cheetah Girls just in time for their new album, and Dancing With the Stars will get a week's worth of "Can you believe that Sabrina was sent home," publicity, in addition to "fans, you need to vote to keep your favorite stars on the show" (oh yeah, I am sure the show gets a percentage of the texting monies generated from voting each week). The conspiracy theory is in full effect - similar to when Chris Daughtry was voted off American Idol, which in the end was the best thing to happen to him.
That said, I better start looking to see if Helio's (my favorite) Indy car season has another race coming up soon (although he did postpone his wedding to concentrate on Dancing) or when Marie Osmond's Christmas concert tour begins (by the way, she has a Christmas album coming out soon! What a surprise!) or if they are planning to shoot a 90210 reunion in the next couple of weeks so Jennie Garth needs to go.
One thing I was surprised about was that Cameron and Edyta were in the bottom two. Although they continue to say how busy Cameron is (setting up him leaving the show if he or All My Children say he cannot do it anymore - although it's great cross promotion since AMC is on ABC as well), the show cannot afford to have Edyta leave or they will lose the whole new audience of viewers they have captured this year. Andrew always stops what he is doing to see what she isn't wearing and his first question on Tuesday night is "Did she make it?" I am pretty sure he is not asking about Marie Osmond or Jane Seymour.
Speaking of Jane, next week she has got to go. She has been hanging on by a thread all season and with all of the tragedies that have happened to her, you know they can't send her home. Between her mom dying, her house burning to the ground in the fires and then her food poisoning last night, that would be insensitive and bad publicity for the show. But she needs to be careful as she has used three of her nine lives and might use the remaining six next week.
Anyway...I am still addicted and cannot wait until Monday.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Monday, October 29, 2007
Fall Foliage

Just wanted to post some photos of Reagan playing in the leaves this weekend. It was a beautiful weekend and she had a blast throwing the leaves. We do not have many days like that left this fall. The next photos like these will be with mounds of snow in them.
We really did not do much this weekend. Reagan and I went to the Minnesota State High School Tennis Tournament, then we took Corby to the dog park and finally went to a University of Minnesota volleyball match. Notre Dame did not play, so it was a nice relaxing weekend.
Sunday was spent cleaning the house (It was gross) and watching the Vikings. They are terrible.
Anyway...enjoy the photos.
Reagan's mom
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Mark Cuban Says Goodbye
A quick review of Monday night...
Marie Osmond fainting was really scary. I was calling everyone I knew to see if they saw it. That is a definite drawback of live TV. Andrew thought she did it on purpose because her dance wasn't very good and this would be the best way to avoid the bottom two. It worked as she was safe.
The other thing that was quite obvious is they are definitely trying to increase the male audience as the women were wearing next to nothing. Edyta's lack of costume was unbelievable. Andrew says next week she is just going to come out in tassels and a fig leaf since there is not much farther she can go without moving the show to Cinemax late night. Andrew also said he would be watching next week. The show must have also bought out every push-up bra in So Cal because there was not much to the imagination there and the small pieces of cloth covering the backside of the women made the male viewers happy I am sure.
Back to the dancing...I was so sad that Helio and Julianne were not so great. Helio looked like he was trying so hard. I also thought Jennie Garth was not very good this week although she looked absolutely beautiful. Scary Spice was really good and Sabrina the ringer was great again. Jane looked great, but was boring. Cameron was good. It is going to be a tough competition the rest of the way, but Marie and Jane are the next to go. Scary Spice is also on the hot seat, although I think the female viewers will do their best to keep Maks on the show. He is smoking hot!
J-Lo was also great tonight. It is amazing what her stylist can do to make her look not pregnant. Lucky girl....
Gotta "go, go, go."
Reagan's mom
Here Come The Irish ...
It was a great weekend in South Bend. We were able to see a number of friends including Avani, who was such a gracious host Thursday night. Thank you so much. We ate at all of mom's favorite places including Lula's, Between the Buns and Barnaby's. We went to a hockey game, but Notre Dame lost to #5 Denver 3-1. We tailgated and then came the game...above you can see what Reagan thought of it!
It was ugly. Andrew, Reagan and all of my friends left before halftime. I stayed until 5 minutes to go in the game, although I can say I wasn't really paying attention. The program is an embarrassment right now. I wish the season was over and it was pretty obvious the players did too. The defense worked so hard and got absolutely no help from the offense. How come the offensive genius cannot generate more than 5 first downs? I thought his system worked with any talent level? Obviously hard can it be to complete screen passes and quick slants. I don't care how bad the O-Line is, you still should be able to make those basic plays. Unfortunately for me, I have to see the same thing on Sunday's when I watch the Vikings. Football has been really depressing this year. Basketball cannot start soon enough (did I really say that?). was a beautiful weekend in South Bend. Here are a few photos from our trip.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Reagan's Daycare
Hot Diggity Dog!
Quick Dancing With the Stars Review...Sabrina was great again. It is almost unfair. Jennie Garth was really good as well. Helio and Julianne looked stunning as a couple, although I did not think their dance was great. It was good, but I thought Helio was a little stiff last night. Mel, Marie and Jane were all good, as well as Cameron. He has really improved, although I am not sure anyone was even watching him since my eyes were glued to Edyta and her lack of outfit. I was waiting for the two pieces of cloth she called a costume to fall off at any moment. Of course, it was also the moment each week that Andrew makes his one comment about the show and actually watches a dance. (This is Reagan watching the show last night. I think she is adopting Edyta's costumes. Ugh!)
Reagan's mom
Saturday, October 13, 2007
It's Fall In The Cities
Today Reagan went apple picking on an awesome fall day here in the Cities. She was really into carrying her basket and pulling the wagon. She tried to pick some off the trees, but she had a hard time doing it because she could not get her little hands around the apples. She finally did get one though and instead of putting it in her basket, she put it right in her mouth. That was one of three apples she ate while we were there. She absolutely loves apples!
We also climbed the hay stack and she ran through the maze with Corby. She then went to pick out a pumpkin, but wasn't really interested. She only cared about apples!
We put Reagan on the pumpkin scale to see how much she weighs since she hasn't been to the doctor in over 6 months. She is up to 26 pounds - only 112 pounds lighter than her puppy. Corby, on the other hand, weighed in at a whopping 138 today at his check up. He was supposed to be on a diet, but instead gained 4 pounds. Hmmmm. Kind of like my diets.
Now Reagan is watching the Irish play Boston College. Hopefully, they will have saved a little of that Irish magic from last week so they can beat Back-up College. Unfortunately, it is 7-0 already. We are headed back to South Bend next weekend for the USC game. Maybe they can save it until then.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's Mom
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
We Like The Afternoon Much Better
As you can see, we were better by this afternoon. She is so cute when she says cheese!
Reagan's sweater was made by my friend Crystal's mom. It is so cute! This is the second one she has knitted for her. Reagan just loves her "jacket" - one of her new favorite words.
Here is a quick Dancing With The Stars report from Monday. It was a tough night for the remote as the Indians were on, as well as the Cowboys, so there was a lot of channel flipping, but Andrew knew he better turn it back to Dancing or else. Secretly, I think he likes the show although he would never admit it.
Sabrina was awesome again. I also really liked Jennie Garth and, of course, Helio. I thought Marie Osmond was OK, as well as Mel B. I am nervous that Mark Cuban might hit the road tonight. I just love the enthusiasm he shows out there. He is not the best dancer, but I think he appreciates the opportunity the most. Everyone else, I am just luke warm about. Even Jane Seymour, who was one of my favorites the first week, was only OK last night. Wayne Newton must go...hopefully tonight.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's Mom
She's Daddy's Girl!
Vegas Baby!
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Dancing With The Stars

Reagan and I decided that we are going to update everyone on the show each week in case you missed it. And for all you guys out there...I will add Andrew's commentary since he watches the show only for the costumes, or I should say lack of costumes, each of the female dancers are wearing. I think Reagan has adopted the female dancer mentaility as this is what she watched the show in last night!
After week two, there are two clear cut favorites for us - the race car driver and the Cheetah Girl. They are both fantastic. Race car driver (Helio) is absolutely awesome. He is so polished and precise. I can only describe him as dreamy. He is what you would have imagined Fred Astaire to be like in the 60's. He is just so is almost like you have stepped into a fantasy world when he is on the floor. It has to be that Brazilian blood! His partner, Dallasite Julianne, is also amazing for only being 19 years old. She would make any man a better dancer.

We are also big fans of Mark Cuban. He may not be the most technically sound dancer, but he is working extremely hard and looks to be having so much fun. I know he can be annoying (I personally think he is great. He just says what is on his mind and doesn't have a care in the world. I guess billions of dollars will do that to a person.), but I hope he sticks around for a few more weeks.
Poor Jennie Garth. I think she really was hurt after falling and getting hit in the head by her partner. She looked like she wanted to cry when they were giving the scores and then at the end when they were showing all of the dancers, she looked like she had been crying. She is so beautiful and I am sure her 90210 following will keep her in for many weeks to come.
Marie Osmond was also great last night. She looks amazing for having seven kids. She seems really energized during this whole process. I am sure it has to be great for your self-esteem to accomplish something so awesome. I am surprised at how much I like to watch her.
Wayne Newton has to go. He was awful, but I am sure he will stick around a few more weeks. Kind of like the Jerry Springer of this season.
No one else really knocked my socks off last night. I was disappointed Jane Seymour was not a little more saucy in her performance. She was absolutely stunning the first week. I cannot wait to see more of her.
Andrew's favorite moment was when Edyta and her partner took the floor. He had to do a double take when he saw what she was wearing - or what she wasn't wearing. Her costume did not leave a lot to the imagination, but I guess when you have a body like that, you can wear those things. She has a new video out that promotes dancing for fitness. If I can get a body like that, I will be first in line to buy it!
Anyway...that is our take. We would love to her what you thought. Just comment back to the site.
Gotta "go, go, go,"
Reagan's mom
Weekend Update

Friday night, Reagan took in her first high school football game when she saw Rosemount play Hopkins. It was homecoming and the stands were packed (relatively speaking, of course, since I did grow up around Texas high school football where 20,000 a game was a slow night). Anyway, it was fun to go back to my middle school and high school 25 years later. Things really haven't changed all that much except the fans sit on the opposite side of the stadium now. Rosemount won 33-16 and it really wasn't that close.

Saturday was another day of watching Notre Dame lose again. They made some progress, so maybe there is hope for a win this season. I personally think Evan Sharpley should be the QB, but the offensive genius obviously knows what he is doing.
Sunday was a church and Gopher volleyball day for us, followed by football and Desperate Housewives. Reagan really enjoyed the volleyball match, falling asleep in the first game and waking once it was over.
We have a busy week coming up as Andrew and I are going to see Raul Malo (former lead singer of the Mavericks) on Tuesday night. I, then, leave for Las Vegas on Thursday to work the 3.5 tennis National Championships (I should be playing in them) and Andrew is home with the children by himself. He is taking Reagan to her first NHL game on Saturday as Minnesota plays Columbus.

Gotta "go, go, go,"